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Showing posts from January, 2019

alfresco eating

Again, with modern materials, none of these weigh very much. Food would need to be carried and a means to prepare and cook the food but one thing you do not have to carry is fuel. Kayaking is a bit like kinetic energy, your body in motion produces the power needed to move the boat forward. cheap jerseys If you have a problem go buy them some clothes. People are to picky and whiny now a days. Everyone has the right to feel comfortable with what they wear. Ice Skating on the Waterfront >Ice skating rink should be open all year round and to cool off in v hot weather and a skate park or wildlife or aquatic sealife centre would be nice like the one near Blackpool Tower. I also feel there should be somewhere where there can be alfresco eating. Quality English Cuisine Food Restaurants would be good and High Rise Buildings in Jersey are UGLY HORRIBLE NOT NEEDED OR WANTED AND SPOIL THE SKYLINE TOO and Jersey doesnt need anymore offices or flats apartments and feel there are too many polish